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What is Community Supported Healthcare?Community Supported Health Care (CSH), sister to Community Supported Agriculture, is a new and cost effective way to deliver primary health care. Members of the community pay a monthly or yearly fee to their primary care physician for a package of services. Regular payments upfront reduce overhead and allow the physician to concentrate on delivering care to you and our community. It allows families to budget their medical expenses and know that they will not have unexpected charges for routine primary/urgent care.
What if my insurance covers some of the services I get from my True North Membership?On request, True North will provide you with a “super-bill” that indicates charges for the services you received and paid for. You may submit this to your insurance company or Health Savings Account (HSA) for possible reimbursement.
Why won't you bill my insurance?The health insurance industry is a mess. It is expensive and time consuming to bill, the reimbursements are controlled, pricing is not transparent, and accepting money directly from insurance companies gives them enormous influence over the care you receive. When you are in a CSH your physician works for YOU, not an insurance company.
What if I am covered under Medicare or Medicaid?True North is an advocate for single payer health care. At this time Medicare patients are served under the basic membership rate and we bill Medicare for covered services. We also offer a limited number of slots for people using Medicaid programs. Please call out office for more information.
Does my True North Membership include labs and X-ray/imaging?No. In general True North does not provide these services. When you need them your doctor will order them to be carried out by an appropriate provider. She will interpret them and use the results in your care. These costs are often covered by your insurance.
Direct access to my doctor? 30 minute visits? Urgent care after hours? House calls? Minimal waiting times? Really?Yes. The CSH/membership model allows a physician to care for a smaller panel of patients and put her time where it belongs, one-on-one with her patients. Good primary health care is based on relationship, trust, respect, and caring. At True North we operate under the principle that everybody’s time is sacred. This means your time, your physician’s time, your community’s time and the most sacred time of all, the time we share. A CSH is the accessible, sustainable, local choice for health and healing.
I'm interested and would like to learn more.Call 444-7172 or email to schedule a free no-obligation 15 minute visit to see if a CSH membership is right for you and your family.
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